Our Young Singers Program
Love to sing and 12–25 years of age?
Young Singers in Harmony is a workshop offered by Westcoast Harmony Chorus for singers ranging in age from 12 to 25. You and other singing enthusiasts will spend a weekend together, hosted at a local high school, learning harmonies and barbershop-style songs, mentored by international award-winning a cappella chorus members. The finale of the workshop is a concert on Saturday evening showcasing the Young Singers in Harmony Chorus alongside quartets from Westcoast Harmony Chorus.
When is the workshop next being offered?
October 2023 YSIH Workshop is now wrapped up! HUGE thank you to all the faculty, quartets and guest choruses who made this year's event a huge success!
Stay tuned for information on the next YSIH Event!
Get in touch!
Have questions? Contact YSIH Coordinator Patti Thorpe at ywih@westcoastsings.com